
This Is SO One Year Ago!!

I may have a new blog buddy. His page is IrritatedVet. During my visit with him tonight I found that he's going to be a guest on "Pods and Blogs," a radio program of the BBC. I V is a veteran of Iraqi Freedom. He's also unhappy with W, and describes himself as center left. (We'll soon see!) I just love to see people succeed. Congratulations IV!

Unfortunately, the BBC site is a little over my head, and I wasn't able to find his session. I'm not a "BBC - kinda guy" so I don't know any of the names there, but in taking a look around, I found this treasure, linked to the title of this article. It's titled "He's Done." Speaking of Bush.

Bush once brandished September 11 like a weapon against his critics. But in one dramatic recent week, it all caught up with him. The 9-11 era is now over.
By Laura Rozen
Issue Date: 12.20.05

The column's article correctly discerned the amount of damage the Bush Administration had sustained that week. To catch a glimpse of the tenor of her prescience, consider the following:
For the first four and three-quarters years, Bush bit Washington, and Washington yelped and slunk into the corner. But now Washington is finally biting back. The institutions that Bush pushed and pushed to the breaking point are snapping back to their normal state. The Department of Justice, whatever its other shortcomings, finally operated on this one matter as it is meant to, as it did under Bill Clinton and George Bush Senior and Ronald Reagan: An independent investigation launched from its offices -- Fitzgerald was appointed to the CIA–leak case by Deputy Attorney General James Comey after Ashcroft recused himself -- has checked potential wrongdoing by the White House. That Fitzgerald’s probe was above reproach, unlike another certain recent special prosecutor’s -- no overreach, no leaks, no final report with all the gory details, no unctuous testimony before Congress -- added mightily to the gravity of the charges against Libby.

According to this vaudeville, the highpoint of the the Dept of Justice under G W's term was the appointment of the biggest embarrassment since OJ. And she's serious. Of course, the only point was to determine how Plame's name got leaked to the NY Slimes! For pities sake it's NO WONDER people have had enough!! The constant dribbling of gawd awful LIES is simply too much to take anymore! ENOUGH!! UUUNNNCCCLLEEE!!


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