
Obama's Advisers;
Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski , Carter administration national security adviser, uber-globalist, author, Israel antagonist, and now Obama campaign foreign affairs consultant, recently led a Rand Corp financed delegation to Syria, of which Obama's campaign denies knowledge.
The Israeli media Ynet linked above contains the following;
Brzezinski, selected by Obama to advise him on foreign policy affairs, has taken a highly critical stance towards Israel in the past, and has defended an academic attack on the American Jewish lobby which has been branded by some as being anti-Semitic. He has previously served as a national security adviser to President Jimmy Cater.sic
It's suggested somewhere that Obama is using Brzezinski's endorsement and calling him an adviser to give his campaign the "gravitas" it lacks, and to counter the charge that Obama hasn't enough experience. It wouldn't be honest to leave Zbig out of this exposition of Obama's people, but it's either true that Obama didn't know about this Rand Corp trip, or Obama's campaign is naive to the point of being laughably out of control. It is quizzical that the "Change" advocate would call on the epitome of "same old, same old" policy expertise for advice - unless Mr Brzezinski has untried ideas, in reference with Israel in particular.
Self described "lunatic fringe" folks are very frightened of Zbig.
This is the same Brzezinski who created the Illuminati's Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973. The Trilateral Commission is dedicated to a world government dictatorship and closely connects with other strands in the web like the Council on Foreign Relations (member: Barack Obama) and the Bilderberg Group.

Brzezinski's foreign 'policy' during the Carter administration, as he has since admitted without regret, was to entice the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan in December, 1979. The idea, he said, was to weaken their rival superpower and the result was a ten-year occupation that cost the lives of an estimated 1.3 million Afghans and spawned the Mujahedin, Taliban and Osama bin Laden.

Deep breath: he's now advising Barack Obama on foreign policy ...

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