
I've Been Visited!!

One of my very favorite bloggers, Kobayashi Maru , stopped by for a visit and left a surprisingly nice comment on this post about a medical study on coffee. I paid him a visit to see if I could find an appropriate place to thank him for his generosity and found that he wasn't nearly finished! Looky!! This looks better on his blog because

Its. Not. Mine.

I'll skip the article quotes cause this ain't about the other article -- it's about me!! Here's the MONEY stuff on his article!!
Yet More Reasons Why Global Warming Hysteria is Silly
Having recently repaired our beloved capuccino maker, I've had to work really hard to stop myself at two double espressos each morning, especially as the typical rainy/cold New England June sets in (it's 50-something and pouring this morning). Thus it was with a smile and jittery typing fingers that the title of this Indiana-based blog caught my eye in perusuing the KM referral statistics: "Rightward Coffee Buzz: christian, conservative, caffeinated". I love it! Started last October, RCB notes in an inaugural post an ability to "...drink four pots of coffee everyday and keep it up forever." Well, OK then. That's just a little rich for my blood but hey, whatever works. Welcome to the blogroll, RCB.

That's a roundabout way of delivering a hat tip for RCB's tracking down the NZ meteorologist's reference I'd noted in passing in my 'Mouths of Babes...' post on Kristen Byrnes last week.

Now how cool is THAT??!!

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