
What I Like And Dislike About Giuliani

Largely because of McCain-Feingold, (which denies free speech rights to issues organizations in the months leading up to elections - when the issues are most important) Senator McCain simply has no credibility with the conservative base of the Republican Party. As impassioned as his defense of the war on terror is, and as much as I appreciate ANYONE's defense of that under-reported important issue and viewpoint, McCain has already lost his most valuable asset as a national spokesman. Enter Giuliani, who has no similar problem on the war. At a New Hampshire "town hall" meeting Tuesday night, Rudy impressively handled citizen's questions regarding the war, and the president's prosecution of it. When the Democrat/media driven issue of the war somehow causing an abridgement of rights arose,
"Just about every personal right has been abridged in the war on terror," he said. "When will you say that's as far as I will go?"
Giuliani did not waste time or effort with his answer - with glorious attitude -
"I think you have grossly exaggerated the case," Giuliani responded. "And you didn't point out the other fact, and that is we haven't been attacked and we've been safe."
He defended the administration's domestic wiretapping program, tough interrogation techniques and the USA Patriot Act.
"So, no rights," Capodice said.
That drew a sharp retort from Giuliani: "That's hardly no rights!" he said. "You have more freedom than anyone in this world has ever had — and no one has taken that from you!"
While I can't vouch for the literal value of his statement, the fact is that whatever limitations there are to our constitutionally guaranteed rights have mostly been imposed by Democrats and politically liberal Supreme Court decisions. (Notable exception is the previously mentioned McCain-Feingold) Political-correctness, hate-speech, deprivation of the right to life of the unborn, are just a few of the many examples of the rampant fascism of the Democrat agenda. They simply cannot see the wisdom in the adage, "Be careful what you hope for!" Hate speech is a very dangerous lasso around our freedoms that is now being used by Muslims to keep Americans from discussing the serious threat their religion WILL someday present. Democrats desire a world where we are free - not TO BE what we want - but free from pain! Imagine a world free from struggle? Impossible so long as people are human...but there I go on my rant!! (((Focus! Giuliani!)))
Rudy of course loses it (his credibility) when he gets into issues not having to do with 9/11...
Some folks think that the tenth amendment only applies to the second amendment
Last week, after the shooting massacre at Virginia Tech, Giuliani said it "does not alter the Second Amendment" and emphasized state-by-state gun control measures, which contrasted with his past enthusiasm for a federal mandate to register handgun owners.
Imagine state-by-state "religion controls" or state-by-state "equal protection" controls, and you quickly see how silly is his - and liberals/democrats/media - approach. On the other hand, there is no mention of any medical procedure anywhere in the constitution, and so those legal/social issues SHOULD be approached on a state-by-state basis as directed by the tenth amendment. Which is why the 1973 abortion decision in Roe v Wade is such an abomination under the law, even if one CAN accept 45 million dead babies by now.
If Fred Thompson gets into the action, I'll vote for him. If not, then my primary vote will go to Huckabee - I like him, plus it's a sympathy vote for being Bill Clinton's Lieutenant Governor Indiana has no say in the primaries anyway - and my vote in the election will go to whoever runs for the Republicans.

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